Large composition of 101 roses in a basket

Delivery within 10 hours in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv and other big cities

Always fresh flowers that will last a long time

Bouquets are assembled by professional florists

each bouquet is lovingly assembled to give unforgettable feelings

A diverse range of flowers for all tastes


The majestic composition, located in an exquisite basket, is like an embodiment of elegance and abundance, incorporating 101 roses decorated in the shape of a heart. This bouquet is not just a hodgepodge of beauty, it is a real work of art, where every bud, every petal is filled with magic and grandeur. Roses, like the music of a delicate waltz, captivate hearts with their exquisite beauty, each of them is a note in the symphony of love and emotions. Their fragrance fills the space with tenderness and warmth, creating an atmosphere of magic and romance around. This is not just a bouquet of flowers, it is a message of tenderness and devotion, which will leave an unforgettable trace in the heart of the one who receives it.


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